Friday 11 December 2020

A thought walk on the lanes of Sensitivity

   We as of today have been all racing for dreams, desires, luxuries and  comfort. Our lives just are revolving around these four words. We come to the world, we desire and then dream of it. We work for our desires which often are subset of luxuries and comfort. This is somewhat our lives have been.
   But there's a link which we all have collectively ignored " Sensitivity ", Sensitivity towards society, sensitivity towards planet, and most importantly sensitivity of our own mind. Ask yourself a question, when was the last time you refrained yourself from doing and activity because you mind said no at the very last moment? The answer will make you remind your mind is the purest form of truth available in the entire universe.
   Sensitivity towards your own mind makes you the kind of person who are born, it gives you your unique ability, your unique purpose, and your unique sole. But today the whole game is changed you are not original, But we now have to say, Being original is not that simple! these are just our deeds which have brought us to such shabby stage.
  Being original doesn't mean to do things which are not done
   We have restricted ourselves, enslaved our mind, just to run the race. The race full of misconceptions filled with self seeking greed. On the race track we are so insensitive that we forget our actions have consequences. Global warming is biggest example of such consequences. Still we haven't learnt any lesson. Pollution is not the root cause the root cause lies in you, your insensitivity towards your acts.
   Lets have a look at our evolution, first we were all Humans,then we got divided as races, then as national citizens, then religion, then caste and if the trend goes on humanity is in danger. We have somewhat lost our true spirit of togetherness just running behind the four words mentioned earlier. We all should have dreams we should aspire to be someone but without losing sensitivity of mind. 
    What's more now we have a rage of human conflicts raising from the civil wars, religious beliefs,
political ideologies, we are somewhere lost our empathetic characteristics.

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