Friday 6 January 2017


      Serendipity, a fortunate happenstance a new realization. All us have a common thread in our lives, the intangible thread looking for something we all call 'fortunal paradise'.Yes we all strive thought our lives to achieve it and during different stages of our life we add labels to it, labels to our dreams and goals.
       He too had a dream about his paradise ,and at a point after we realize that the true fortunal paradise he meant to achieve is now hidden deep beneath our own labels, he is walking aimlessly with dwindling dreams gazing through the winds. After a point of time he is suddenly struck with real difficulties and circumstance so now he crosses paths and continue walking towards something which he don't have a single idea of . Life becomes a misery and he has given up on the hope for a hope. He is now surrounded by ghosts , the ghosts of fear and he just run, run and run aimlessly and then he accepts that he made some wrong decisions and for seconds of fun ruined life ,looking back he regrets every single label he added and cries deep down, the ghosts are still following him and then he rather than running again turns back to  .................................
      The above mentioned words may look like a generalized frame from any action movie in which the hero races against all the odds and finally succeeds. Still we all go through the mentioned phases  somewhere in our lives the only difference is the ending which can turn the boat upside or make it to the heavenly shore.
      Mistakes are inevitable for all of us so as failures and criticism arising out of them. Then again they say given a chance I shall conquer all of you, But why ask for it chances and opportunities lie everywhere around you should develop the ability to catch the pulse and at perfect time the world have a tendency to forget and it does forget the past and you move towards the heavenly shore .
       And that's Serendipity its not by luck or unintentional its due to your perception the fruit of your hardships, the seeds of success from your failures and outcome of your true heart .
      So yes Serendipity do happen but they don't happen overnight there is a huge amount of hardships and sacrifices associated with it every time you do something learn from it failure's or success doesn't matter the only thing that matter is the trueness of purpose and the goal is all yours
     Be ready you may get  a step closer to your goal in the most unexpected way you would have thought,

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