Wednesday 11 January 2017

The Return of Team Rocket

         Team Rocket ,the moment you here this you mind gets suck either by NASA or 'Jessie, James  and Meowth ' but the latter one brings a cute smile on our face and we just get lost in nostalgia our innocent memories as a kid. The times when we were dreaming to be in the world of Pokémon or in the toy-land of Noddy and waking up in the Mickey-Mouse clubhouse. Life seemed to be so bold, filled with curiosity with unbounded thoughts taking us high into the heavens, life be so fast then a moment we are in toy-land and in the other we fly back in to the time into the stone age to meet Fred and Wilma from The Flintstones. The transitions we made back then were amazing and beautiful, we spoke meaningless sentences, played illogical games and we were ever wanderers.
         Childhood teaches us a lot gives us a new perception attaches us to our roots and priceless loving memories become our greatest wealth. It doesn't end here we remain always a child just our approaches of seeing thing changes, education imparts us but also takes from us our ability to make everything a reality in our minds. So we see everything with a constrained vision and here we lose our childhood, the moment you restrict your ability to be an ever wandered you lose your childhood.
         Everyone has one true wish, to get their childhood back yet it's an illogical fantasy, Wait if illusions can cause drastic changes in our thought pattern over the years from childhood to teenage then even reverse mapping can get us the highly energetic sincere and peaceful world we need, that doesn't happen and should not. The world is a game a challenge with everywhere there are difficulties, difficulties due cultural preferences, difficulties due to differences in thoughts and such challenging situations are faced in almost every part of world and nobody has escaped from it. In workspace we have over demanding authorities, in todays colleges we have nefarious colleague and even faculties. The world in not like your childhood dreams you have to make it as per your dream.
         Every link is interconnected with some or the other node so as our deeds. We are here today  because of our deeds back then and what we will be tomorrow will be a result of our deeds today. Pretty simple and obvious but every moment causes hurdles and these hurdles have a tremendous impact on our deeds this is where your psychology as a child matters the most the Team Rocket has shown its presence as such hurdles and you need to defend it to claim glory and build your dreamland .Because getting inspired from childhood heroes is some of greatest inspiration to us.
         So when we feel depressed or demotivated remembering childhood dreams can surely help us tackle the trickiest situation life imparts on us.

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