Friday 2 September 2016


       In the ocean of life ,Mind is the unrest of tides and heart is the beauty of rising sun.
Really Life is a vast ocean of thoughts controlled by mind and heart.And the life today has became a repeated adventure we call as a routine but is life really that predictable? Everyone is busy in their chores but have you experienced your thoughts arising repeatedly as routines?
No, mind is broad and it follows werifesteria ,its an energy driving self-obsession.Thoughts and emotional impulses are results of mind vibrations which are driven constantly like perpetual machines.
    This is the unrest of mind which is its beauty which makes us explore new dimensions and horizons and go in search of new mysteries.Deep thinking just for a couple of minutes and you are in a whole new world that's the power no physical science an create.
    Tension, over-anxiety, depression are not because of the unrest mind they are just product of negative thoughts mind is bombarded with.Negative thoughts makes the unrest go crazy against all edges of mankind. Strange and disturbing events do happen and are stored in memories but this unrest mind deals with them making us sad and cry ,but these are not negative or fouled expressions they are a symbol of grief and original reaction of deep pain made to lower its  intensity.
    This Unrest mind if dealt in a positive sense will always keep us highly motivated, Inspires and Energetic .Dreaming is perhaps the most amazing outcome of this unrest .Paradise is found within this unrest which gives as many angles to view the life and search for paradise just within it.The Answer to find 'ones true-self and where true happiness is' ,lies within unrest ..

Constantly shaken by memories,
Bombarded with fear and insecurities,
Driving the life filled with irregularities,
Arriving in form of faith , hope and socialities,
This unrest mind bears and swallows it all just for humanities.
 This unrest mind if perhaps the most constructive and destructive weapon to humanity it can give birth to Osama, or Einstein ,or even Swami Vivekanand and Dalai Lama too further it depends on us which path to follow and shape our life in very same direction.

We live our life everyday but die only once but our Work remains immortal..

Werifesteria is an old English word
it means ' to wander longingly through the forest in search of adventure'.

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