Monday 31 December 2018

2018 A year that made me realize the reality of dreams!

  Here now standing on the wedge of uncertainty, I now understand the subtle growth which I had over the years, everything was spontaneous back then, never really thought of a meaningful existence. No suddenly toxic gases of uncertainty, competition, choices & chances, have depleted my ozone shield and brought me to the harsh reality.
  2018 thought me the importance of present, the virtues of past, and proved choice defining Butterfly effect of future. Its saw the transition of "What? When? Where? How?" to "Something? Somewhere? Somehow?" and then finally to "This? Here? Now?"
  This year changed me from being an impenetrable stubborn to being a liberal geek. This year brought up the free thinker inside me, I started listening to others, respecting their views, And got a new perspective towards society.
  2018 started on a high note our work was being recognized, we just has a good experience a recent competition and so were filled with positive energy, entered the new year with a sublime goal. Goal to exceed in exams and be a product designer. Another goal was to make our idea into a product, the Holographic 3d energy field. Which High energy we entered the new year worked hard, it was end of January and Design entrance, Result- Failure, Reason- Bounded Ideas. Next month 'GATE', Result- Failure, Reason- lack of interest in mechanical engineering.
  A heap of unanswered questions occupied my mind, they demonized my mind, corrode it, made me feel like end, everyday I woke up and 1st thing in my mind was What's next? When? How?
  Days passed, me being a weird introvert didn't had anybody to share my feelings. In the meantime I had an amazing trek at the kalawantin hills. The journey enthralled me, calmed my mind, gave me vision of near future, I saw my idea becoming a reality.
 Next couple of months worked hard ideated, made a cool holographic lens presented at VNPS- annual showcase of our college didn't the prize, next day won the prestigious 'Bizmasters' and a heavy cash reward too. 

 Things were just starting to get better, but again  demons of life intercepted, Got rejected in two companies, but this time consoled myself with temporary answers like something, somewhere, sometime.
  College fests, something which I truly enjoyed this year, the cultural days, the events, the last DJ night, the satirizing moments of failed dance attempt of some group members, memorable moments there. 
 Then we had the farewell party but it was not as emotional as it sounded, probably because we still had a month of college left or it was just something I personally felt, it was emotionless yet disturbing by the fact that many has chosen their next career move I has on haunted question of what's next?
Still the night was best and unforgettable, a comedy of errors, a friend lost his bag in an autorickshaw
and we searched like menial, we followed every autorickshaw resembling the once in which he forgot his bag, scanned CCTV footages, but no avail, calling off the search operation we boarded on the last train to return home. 

Days passed, finals semester  exams, last paper, a final bid adieu to amazing four years of life, some efforts, some experiences, some teachings, some learnings, some memories, amazing friendship and a final curtain call with dreams. Some lines written by me on the occasion.
It doesn’t count for success or failure
It’s the friends you make
It’s the road you choose
At the end of this cliff I see an ocean of opportunities,
 Creating my destiny
Looking back I see the adventures,
Journey with amazing friends
Journey through unforgettable experiences
Journey amongst the vibes of vibrant aura
Now it’s our final curtain call to the college who gave blissful memories
Standing under its shadow I realize
 Good Bye! Never thought it was so hard to say
Never know when we will experience such beautiful moments again
Never know when we shall make fun of professors again
Never know when we will bunk lectures again
Never know when we will pull each other’s legs again
Never know when we will Experience such spontaneous connections again
Never know when we will group together again
Some memories are created, some are experienced, but some make permanent stay in mind
Many say engineering results in nothing , but for most important take away we have lifetime bonds,
4 years of celebration and an infinite pool of imaginative thoughts! 

After exams traveled to native place in north Maharashtra, experienced lives there was there just for sake of it , mind was still wandering, could not immerse myself there but still enjoyed at my level. Returned home not alone my cousin brother who happens to be of similar age accompanied me. We shared old memories, created some new and bonded together similar childhood days.
 Now attended a distant cousins wedding and has my best time of year there , some moments to be remembered for life. Got a spark of life's purpose.
 I now had plans to make to achieve goals, I want to achieve a lot, now time is a constraint, I has a spark, I had a goal, I had a purpose and I had the plan ready.
  Another wedding in family, some days of enjoyment back to nest to study hard. 
Nature again made an obstacle, I was detected with dengue and lost much time there, I was on medication, I was admitted. It was a big deal though. It thought me the importance of Compassion, Family and profound importance of time.
 Studied for September, October, November 
December had something special, Something good happened to give a spark , Our startup idea was selected amongst top 80 entries at Eureka IITB, attended workshops there, brought new energy, awakened dreams, rejuvenated joy and hope, interacted with amazing people, gave birth to new spirits and now at end of year awaiting further results.
  2018 also saw me learning vehicle driving, innovating in kitchen, organizing myself and most importantly it thought me the power of basics.
  2018 gave me GOAL, Friends who believe in me, it nurtured ideas, and most importantly it gave me TIME.
  2019 Brings with it rising sun of new opportunities, rays of new hope, humanizing light, compassionate breezes, creative aura and success defining environment.

                                                  A HAPPY NEW YEAR 

Tuesday 20 November 2018


काळ अवकाशातील विणीतले एक निर्वाद सत्य              …..ओळख
वाऱ्याभोवती जग भ्रमंती करणाऱ्या धुळीसारखी स्वप्न        ….ओळख
देहाला मन जोडणारी व मनाला देह जोडणारी विहीन कडी    ओळख
                   निर्धास्तिपणे "मी " ची अनिभूति देणारी
                   पदपादि वाट शोधणारी ,
                   शणोक्षणी भान हरणारी  "माया" … ओळख

सूर्यकिरननसमे डोळ्यांना प्रकाश व्
                           प्रकाशाला दृष्टी देणारी बुद्धि ,
पाऊसधारांसमे सागररूपी
                             समाजात होणारी शुद्धि    …..ओळख

                    जुने ते नवे करणारी
                   अनंत आठवणींचा सडा वेचणारी ,
                   अंधारात स्वप्नांना जन्म देणारी ,
                   स्वप्नांना दिशा, दिशेला ध्येय, ध्येयाला वाट दाखवणारी
                                  मनमोहक ध्वनि             ....ओळख

गूढ़  प्रसंगांमधे सहारा देणाऱ्या सावलीची मार्मिकता
निराशेचा गुंता सोडवणाऱ्या उत्प्रेरक द्रव्यांची किमया
चुकलेल्या वाटेवर अडथळा बनणाऱ्या निसर्गाची भाषा
जिद्दीची ज्योत पेटत ठेवणाऱ्या शाश्वत शक्तीची निरागस्ता  … ओळख

             स्वतःचे स्वतःशी असलेले नातं
             स्वतःचा स्वतःवर असलेला विश्वास
             स्वतःला स्वतःमध्ये हरवणारा आरंभ
             स्वतःचा स्वतःविरुद्ध  असणारा युक्तिवाद    … ओळख