Saturday 10 December 2022

A letter to Pie in SKY update 2022.

 A promise to self

It's a lot of time that you have taken just to realize very few important things in life but now that you have realized those take a moment and appreciate your efforts and promise me to be clean and pure every time you come back to me.
  • Regain consciousness and control over oneself: - Don't be lost in zero, immerse yourself in the ambrosia of good thoughts and knowledge the world is filled with lust and greed replace it with love and empathy. (Still even not halfway)
  • Start caring instead of blaming: - More than half of your life has been in blaming and complaining pls now grow up and start accepting things as it is, try to be the change instead of continuously asking for change. (This is somewhat achieved)
  • Do something which will make you happy and proud: - you don't remember the last time when you were truly happy. (Still don't remember)
  • Words are value destroyers and value creators too. try to be very careful with them. Rather than be quiet instead speaking anything, it's not important to protect yourself always. 
  • Likelihood of your own mindset is something to be regained, try enjoying your company of yourself. 
  • Love something and be really great and expert in it, create a path to apply in a conscious way.
  • Words are value destroyers and value creators too. try to be very careful with them. Rather than be quiet instead speak anything which comes to mind, try storing thoughts. 
  • Coming back to the point, don't let your attitude, your words, and your behaviors be a matter of joke for anybody. This leads to ignorance, and you lose credibility. Remember the words of Mr. Pawar from NSP "The first step to achieving respect is to get busy with something."
  • Stop Subvocalizing, and grasp knowledge as fast as you can. 
  • Read 50 pages per day. Per language. It's difficult but worth it.
  • Get really good at academics and study beyond academics in subjects of Interest.
  • Get into good shape and fitness and keep things to yourself. Respect your privacy. Nobody should know your daily routine and the things you do.
Improve human interactions.

Respect yourself

Make your story worth reading.

Express and project happy thoughts and vibes, attract and refine all negativity make yourself a healer which attracts black and project sanity.