Tuesday 10 September 2019

Boy and his ship - myth of 'me'

It's SEPTEMBER 2019 the day when the beloved Indian deity 'Ganpati' is officially immersed to make his way back to his home. This year was just like another year no difference but there a story worth telling.

I am an atheist I don't believe in something external driving us to a predetermined destination! But that doesn't mean I am not spiritual. I respect the creation and its creator. The story is about a boy and his ship handcrafted in February 2019 by a special-purpose vehicle created by the Society of Indian Peers.

A lonely boy and his way to the self-renaissance, evolution as a human, and calming the burning soul. Healing is what is needed for a wounded soldier rather than some cash prizes.

Ok then the story starts in February at Bandra Railway Station, I am calling some friends to meet and I am high on some tension that I really don't know what's happening around me. I meet my friends after a long time at Andheri we spend some quality time together, as usual, I do some blunders while ordering food. We discuss future plans Uncertainty is what is clearly seen in our eyes. While returning I meet a guy (the bow), Viral Mehta a diabetic doctor who is somewhere interested in my ideas he said some one-liner, don't think of too much of a dream project, start doing the market the economy creates space for anything you wish, doing is a process thinking is an action during process.

In peer pressure, I do something out of desperation (this is the first time emotion overpowered me) I take a job, I am happy but at the same time feel lost I console myself unemployment feels lot worse. I do my job but consider myself left out I am never respected in the organization, okay I had no credibility to deserve respect but I was left out for many weeks, sure I am an introvert I don't speak to people, but I was feeling being trapped then a friend Mr Rinaldo(the stern
) Consoled me out, and another guy Deven(The hull) thought me how to let things go, Some of my learnings.
1. Corporate greed is real
2. Ass licking Morons do exist
3. Corporate Luxury is real I stayed at 'The Oberoi'!
Utterly misbehaving people and Moronic bosses, how did they become so successful? My boss had some really great marketing skills but still, he was the most greedy, selfish, and barbaric person I had ever met in my entire lifetime. I experienced Jealousy for the first time in my life, this greedy world had started to have a negative impact on me. Observing people in the train would give me hope, everybody is fighting life, but the fight is for stability, not growth this is something that is still bugging me.
Among the same crowd, there was a guy a professional from the pharmacy industry. This guy tried to escape this rat race three times with different business plans but has failed each time and is still trying to escape even after 7-8 yrs of experience in the industry, we open up to strangers very nicely  I asked him almost everybody in this entire coach is about stability what makes you different to which he replied freedom and sanity, the story goes like this, His daughter had a medical emergency and I predicted any other general story of not getting leave and some tragic scenes but this was different, it was a story of self-realization, at the time of her consultation he was asked some questions to which he didn't know any answers which included very basic questions like what's her blood group. He said to me "My daughter is already 5 yrs old and I don't have any memories to cherish" I have a large loan to pay but I need her to know me truly I don't want her to answer the question to what does your dad do? as he works for some company, I want her to answer it as he teaches me, he cares for me something like that", in conclusion, he wanted a better work-life balance, but my gut says there's more to it.

Friday 18 January 2019

Just a thought "Objectification" the real cause.

Just a thought, men objectifying women is a trending topic, yes feminism is good, the female gender should be respected and treated equally, but there is another kind of objectification that is bothering me. Workforce objectification!
Let me share some key concepts which are thought in industrial management and practiced in real grounds,
Taylors rules:-
Use of slow-motion cameras to capture workers movements and analyze them for maximum productivity.
Doesn't this sound objectification?
There are many such rules being researched in the industrial management community, there is a whole concept of work and time study which neglects the physical and psychological cost to workers with the ultimate aim to improve production efficiency.
How can the society develop sensitivity towards human beings if such things are embarked upon?
Prominent personalities like Taylor and Gilberth were heavily criticized for their studies but the greedy industrial world uses it to improve their yield.
Such managerial thoughts need an absolute makeover and to  do it the first thing we can do is remove such kind of ideologies from our curriculum because it has a very different impact on the 'professional mind' (a state where only work completion is the priority)