Saturday 20 May 2017

The Arora of autumn 2032

       Its 5:40 AM so my rug automatically pulls itself off my body, Morcon my digital companion beeps near me so I need to get up as there’s no snooze facility .I step over the wakemat and it gives me a motivational quote to start my day on a positive note. I stand before the mirror and my daily health routine check is done. The mirror displays ‘Had a high calorie dinner yesterday, cheated your diet!’ and frames exercise sets for me. Morcon rushes in and tells Rohit is waiting at the arête, my exercise location Morcon sets the schedule and I jog to the arête as I jog the pods accelerate and so I reach in about 15 minutes for the 128 km long journey morcon has already set the exercising stuff and a drone monitors our exercise at the arête (The arête is a specially built urban exercising location amidst nature with natural breezes and healthy environment connected to the cities and towns by a special jog_pod facility to ensure you exercise and also reach quickly).
As I reach home to my surprise there’s a burglar caught .The burglar was taking advantage of open window but house tags catches him .The burglar was extra smart he even did make up too look like me he also got a DNA sample and started emitting EM waves it developed and as the security analyses my DNA number from a distance using the super_plasma tech he cleared the security level but later got caught due to retinal biometric mismatch. The police are informed automatically and he gets punishment of surrender of all his HE credits (HEE means Harm to earth and environment, and some HEE credits are assigned to ever citizen that allows him to live i.e. use energy and other stuff harming earth as there’s no way out so a control is imposed by HEE credits) and also he gets a tag embed in his body connected to the genetic computer to track his activities and for 3 years.
Now I get a bath get dressed and I go in my indoor garden for getting fruits and vegetables for breakfast grown. I have my breakfast and the wet garbage is automatically collected into the common pit and supplied to food tailors on a daily basis and everyone gets a bitcoins depending on his contribution. Now Its 8:50 AM and I need to get to work I call Morcon and he gets me a hologram of my personal mobility I set the parameters of my mobility today and customise the design like a sculptor, morcon gets his efficiency and aerodynamic calculation in the back and I design a cool vehicle everyday based on my need the hologram is printed and assembled in minutes and my Car is ready for my mobility. As public transport like hyperloop, underground pods, and pod taxis and personal transport like e-bikes and e-skates are encouraged I get taxed every day for using car as my personal mobility!! Even I lose some of my daily HEE I make up for them.
At work I have a couple of another AI assistants but these are based on new skill sets and are not simply based on machine learning the are genetically driven by millions of genetic codes. These allows to get predictive analysis based on consumer approach and thinking. My firm designs light driven motors for space based solar energy satellites which provide solar energy for 24 hrs. a day. As I am working for the satellite launch from dronepad with aerogel propulsion (Aerogel prolusion technology uses levitation in air concept to launch satellites, rather than a solid/liquid prolusion technology involving wastage of gallons of fuel) Morcon Gets to me with a message send by doctor that my real time data shows a growth in platelet count and needs to be cured immediately. So I save my work and am hurried to the insight medical facility at the office (Insight Medical facilities doesn’t include doctor’s but there are interfaces for prior treatment and first aid cure) my whole body data is taken for analysing through a augmented twin and is compared with the data of my body at my optimum health, So doctors suggest a small medical procedure to undergo. They insert 3d printed tissues and laser defined curing modules at a nanoscale and the treatment is done. I am on my way home now and learn that morcon has been non-responsive so I check with the holographic interface and it gives me a real time data about an earthquake which has shut down many mobile towers, now the disaster management team sets up potable towers on drones immediately to restore connectivity and help in disaster management, The whole properties were restored by Ground vehicles with assistance of Aerial vehicles.

// the above text gives a glimpse of future tech, although much of it seem to be fantasies today but still achievable thanks to whole bunch of designers and engineers worldwide. Our lives would change considerable due to the tech but still evolution and growth are need of mankind  .