Friday 30 December 2016

An Idea ,The Emotions and a whole new dimension !

      The World we have today was not the same in the past and will not be the same in future ,Over the life, change is inevitable. But what makes these changes do happen? The whole root cause lies in human ideas!!
      Its rightly said that "Man may die, nations may fall, but Ideas live on. " True Ideas are immortal, they are the greatest power to us " and everyone has these Ineffable creative weapon all which can harness it  by just a consciousness of proving human life has an all new creativity an all new dimension. Ideas seem to be unfamiliar but yet marvelous selcouth !! An Idea brings with it a whole new approach of thinking not just for self but for the whole world present and yet to come.
     Even the Screen on which you are reading is a perception of someone's mind ,Creation of another and evolution from many different minds. Ideas become Human work history and over a period they become an essential part of our enriched lives. Human Mind is not that simple it roams around universe every moment and has a limitless hunger of ,bringing change and evolution. This Nature of our is the key for enriched and meaningful life and we all should nourish this unrest of our mind.
    Ideas emerge everyday some being synthetic, others creative but they become a key aspect of the challenges the world faces. There is a false claim about some ideas being destructive ,it just all lies in perception because nobody there had thought of abolishing humanity (it just happens only in movies ) the root cause of destruction are negative emotions which contribute nothing to us so how can it contribute to ideas? Idealization originally is never destructive because they have pure emotions attached with them But some nefarious personalities blend negativities with them .Many a times situation forces to take destructive approaches But there's always an alternative way.
   Ideas bring growth enrichment and make our lives better and also bring a very good fortune to there creators and they are always remembered. But non-perishable ideas are always non-lucrative and only such emotional ideas bring some true product from unrest mind. And such minds become immortal .
    Ideas are and should always be crazy because human imagination should always be unbounded and the true value of your work will rightfully be considered in some niche of this endless world  and will definitely rule some lives.
    So just allow your mind to expand, display your imagination, render it and you become a  pleasant sound which everybody loves to hear.