Tuesday 4 October 2016

Growth Matters ! But what is this Growth ?

              Life is a galaxy of possibilities with every living moment serving as clusters of random particles fusing into energy. This energy is so intense that for every successful fusion, path of life changes. And this change which brings meaning to your life is Growth.
            Every moment you live, the decisions you make, your observations, areas you wander everything contributes to power the journey of life. But Growth is not a part of this default journey It is not spontaneous. Growth is a reward for astounding use of our greatest gifts received in life which include your passion, love, intellect, creativity, parents and experiences.
            'Who you were? And who you are? ' A satisfying answer to this by your intuition will guarantee your growth and if there's a dissatisfying answer then you need to get some reason to live because life without a reason is like a window without glasses which doesn't serve any importance. The reason can be found in your dreams, your deepest pains and your insignificance in this large world. Successful People grew because they expanded their vision of possibilities, listened to their intuition and  took courageous challenges in every step of life.
           'The magnificent tale of triumph ' is rewritten everyday moment you reinvent yourself ,it leads to occurrence of self empathy. Every time you make a mistake engrave it on your mind ,but first study its causes and use them as weapons to tackle tricky situations in future. Failure gives you deepest insights of your mistakes and these mistakes can end up being your most powerful knowledge.
           Comfort comes at cost of significance so if you want to have your magnificent tale of triumph then do some new things each day, meet new people, get new experiences and create engraved memories. Step out of comfort zone explore the magic of breeze, consistency of sun and moon, generosity of nature adding a new chapter to the tale each day.