Thursday 25 August 2016

Dreams, Goals and Imagination

           ' The future belongs to who believe in the beauty of their dreams '

   But what are these so called Dreams are they a part of our imagination , a desire or just a space of our vast mind .No we cant Define it ,its an energy a burning obsession .
  Many often confuse dreams with nightmare but nightmares are just series of random images our brain flashes as it refreshes itself during sleep.
  But the real dreams are a state of mind which unleashes the potential within self  to make us self-energized, active and enthusiastic as mentioned earlier its a burning obsession .Dreams are the doors to our subconscious mind ,the infinite intelligence within self.
  These dreams unleashes the method of 'creative imagination' which is perhaps the door to a better life where the true happiness lies.So dreams are not imagination they are power to trigger imaginations.
  The dreams if sincerely perceived gets in contact with the pool of infinite intelligence which fills our consciousness and then they become goal of our life .Now in the process of  achieving our goals we come across a beautiful world a world which you dreamt of is taking birth ,your thought changes, your approach changes ,your perspective changes .Sometimes you fail miserably but your dream never allows you to give up you start again chasing them .Then after achieving them you realize  you have just completed a journey through the jungles of true happiness .
  But this doesn't end here you again get a dream which again triggers your 'creative imagination'. Surely life doesn't allow us to take rest.
 SO  Dream big and perceive them....